Have a great day, the Encyclopedia of Counseling Way!
Contact Dr. Rosenthal Personally at [email protected]
Dr. Rosenthal reads all his own emails, so you will actually be receiving a response from him, not an administrative assistant or an autoresponder. Dr. Rosenthal’s materials are specifically intended for the NCE, the CPCE, CECE, oral and written boards, and counseling comps. If you are uncertain whether your exam is based on the NCE or the CPCE, contact your state licensing committee before you order. If you are preparing for the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination, known as the NCMHCE, we recommend you contact Dr. Linton Hutchinson at www.counselingexam.com. Although Dr. Rosenthal’s materials can be used as a supplement, they should not be your sole source of exam prep for the NCMHCE.