Read These Amazing Testimonials to Build Your Confidence…

January 2, 2022, Karen K. passes the CPCE with 25 points to spare and says Rosenthal materials are relaxing, relatable, enjoyable, and definitely not boring . . . I will miss your voice and your jokes.
Greetings Dr. Rosenthal,
I ordered your materials, e.g., encyclopedia, CDs, and dictionary to study for the CPCE exit exam. I HATE – did I say – hate? – taking exams and was nervous and anxious about passing the exam. My university allows us three chances to pass the exam and I wanted to pass it the first time and be done so the dark cloud was not hanging over my head and I could focus on the remainder of my classes and internship. Thank God for your material and the way you put it all together. I laughed out loud quite often, and I often thought “wow! I would have enjoyed learning from him in class.” I really focused intently a couple weeks before the exam with the audio but had been reading the Encyclopedia a couple of months earlier (intermittently). The answers – along with your responses and breadcrumbs of information trickled in helped a lot. Your study guides are relaxing, relatable, enjoyable, and definitely not boring – THANK YOU for that!!
Anyway, I passed the test making 25 points over the cut-off score to pass. I read through the Encyclopedia – most of it – but found that the audio was the best way for me to learn (refresh) and retain information. As you stated, a LOT of what was covered was not on the exam – as usual with most exams – but a lot of your tactics and whimsical statements helped me recall important facts. Also, I was able to get over the anxiety and focus better because I felt more confident. I can testify that being relaxed and calm, taking the time to read the questions carefully, and of course studying the material helps a great deal. I’m so glad your materials were recommended and that I was wise enough to purchase them. It was a worthwhile investment. I will miss hearing your voice and jokes, Dr. Rosenthal, but am so thankful to you AND GOD that I got that behind me now. I wanted to personally reach out to you to let you know that I know your product is worth the investment.
Karen K.

November 21, 2021 – Vivian and her friends used “Dates with Dr. Rosenthal,” to make “studying fun,” and pass the NCE. Don’t forget the snack platter and wine.
Greetings Dr Rosenthal
My name is Vivian Bolden, and I PASSED the NCE using your exam preparation material. I studied using both the “Purple Book” and the audio discs.
My friends and I called my study sessions “Dates with Dr Rosenthal”. They would often ask; do you have a date with the Doctor or Dr Rosenthal tonight? Of course, a study date wouldn’t be complete without a platter of snacks and a drink (sometimes I’d have wine) for energy. We made studying fun.
Thank you for the in-depth study materials.
Thanks again,

November 13 -Linda crushes the test with a jaw-dropping score of 145 on the NCE!
Hi Dr. Rosenthal!
Just thought I’d share the good news that after using the purple book and audio CDs, I took the NCE this afternoon and pulled off a 145. Definitely higher than I expected. Hooray!
Thanks for putting together such valuable, helpful resources! I will absolutely be recommending them to anyone else I know who is taking this test.
Hope you have a good weekend!

November 2, 2021 – Steven says two key memory devices, saved him a point or two on the exam and he has a score of 120 to prove it!
Dear Dr. Rosenthal,
I wanted to send you a quick email to let you know that today I passed the NCE with 120 correct answers! I solely used your book and audio review CDs to study and wanted to express my sincerest gratitude for your willingness to invest in future counselors. After listening to your CDs so many times I feel as if we are old friends of some sort. Two of the biggest exam helpers for me were “correlation does not imply causation” and “RA” for type 1 & 2 errors. These helpful reminders definitely saved me a point or two on the exam. Thanks for all your help in getting me to this point.
With gratitude,
Stephen Gravois

August 28, 2021 – Nearly 20 Years after her original master’s program, Sharon passes the NCE and says, “I actually enjoyed studying using the purple book.”
Dear Dr. Rosenthal –
I purchased your Fourth Edition of the Encyclopedia of Counseling to study for the NCE. I graduated many years ago with my MEd in Counseling, and almost 20 years later returned to my alma mater to take the required classes to total a masters-degree of 60 credits. (My original program was 36 credits, as at the time there was no LPC or LAC in the state of NJ). I just finished my last class this past fall and when I asked my professor which study guide was the best out there, she recommended your “purple book.”
I had surgery earlier in the summer, and while recuperating I studied diligently, using your book. Yesterday I took the NCE and yes, I passed! So I wanted to thank you – I actually enjoyed studying using the purple book!!Please consider me another “success story. And thank you again!!
Sharon Ryan, MEd (soon to be LAC)

June 18, 2021 — Why Lillian insists raising your score on the actual exam with Inner Circle information is easy to do!
Hi Doc,
Your Inner Circle is amazing! I can tell you for a fact the information I learned from your New Domain program, the Great Experiments in Social Psychology, and the 50 plus hints from your forthcoming book raised my score on the real exam. Several of my friends tried to save a buck, ordered off Amazon, and did not get the Inner Circle. That is just silly. As Dr. R says, this could be the biggest exam of your life. I know beginning counselors like myself often have small incomes, but he is giving you the Inner Circle and exam hints for free. What is so hard to understand about that?
Doc, I just wanted to thank you for everything and please use this as a testimonial since I know your materials can help others and I want to stress the advantages of using the Inner Circle programs.
Lillian Hunter

May 15,2021 – Emily passes the CPCE and the NCE with flying colors and concludes my materials are more fun and easier to digest!
Hi Dr. Rosenthal,
My name is Emily Katsanis; I’m a school counseling graduate student, and I’d like to personally thank you for helping me pass the CPCE and NCE!
I took my CPCE in February and spent about 5 months preparing almost exclusively with your materials. The Purple Book was my bible during that time, and I made use of your audio program as well. Thanks to you, I passed with flying colors, scoring a 107 out of 136.
My NCE was today, and I spent the last couple of weeks reviewing your audio program in preparation. I scored a 129 out of 160–which I am obviously very pleased with!
I tried to incorporate other study materials during my test prep, but none were nearly as fun or easy to digest as yours. Thank you, thank you, thank you for creating this program. I am beyond thrilled that I will be able to call myself a counselor in less than a month’s time–and I owe much of this to you!
Thank you again! (Please feel free to use this as a testimonial, too!)
Emily Katsanis

May 13, 2021 -What Bach fugues, Beethoven concertos, and Dr. Rosenthal’s creative teaching style have got to do with this passing the NCE business!
Dr. Rosenthal,
I am not sure if you remember me, the neurodiverse pianist who did a career change. I contacted you a couple months back with worry about taking the NCE without my usual accommodations.
I received your materials and honestly let the box sit unopened for about a week. Obviously, this only induced more anxiety.
One morning I opened the box and popped in the first CD. STATISTICS!!!
Oh dear. I was frightened. I took a deep breath and then began to remind myself if I can learn Beethoven concertos or Bach fugues, I can do this.
I approached it the way I would any large musical piece, which by the way is EXACTLY what you suggest. Small sections with repetition. I was diligent not to skip around and listened to each CD at least twice before moving on.
I started with around an hour and a half per day and slowly ramped up the amount of time to around 2.5 to 3 hours by the last couple of weeks.
I went to the text only after I had been through the cd program.
As May 6 approached, I was calm and knew I had enough information and realized I would never know everything.
On May 6 I took the exam masked up with a healthy mindset.
You know the outcome. I passed.
Your kind words and thoughtful response was so encouraging.
I will admit that you sound a bit funny with my CD player on a fast speed as I got closer to the date.
I will now continue slowly studying for the other National exam which in Arkansas is not required but does shed 500 hours off of the supervision hours.
Why not keep a slow momentum?
I’m extremely grateful and as the internship coordinator with dozens of interns I will always recommend your full materials from the website and encourage students to start now!
People were astounded or perhaps did not believe me when I said you actually emailed me back quickly.
Another success story for you and more importantly you are a part of my career transition and return to work from disability.
Warmest regards!
John Lee Roberts M.M., M.A.
Internship Coordinator and Disability Resource Advocate
Chenal Family Therapy

May 3, 2021 – How Daniel cranked out a NCE score of 133 using my audio CDs while caring for his 1-year-old daughter!
Dr Rosenthal,
Thank you for your test prep! I just took the NCE and passed! And I’m feeling pretty proud (and a little self- conscious) that I got a 133– thanks to your help!!!
For the record, I found the audio discs especially helpful as they enabled me to continue reviewing at times, I wouldn’t have been able to normally study, such as driving or caring for my 1-year-old daughter. Thank you for making those!
And thanks again for all your help.
Daniel Getz

March 2021 . . . How Amanda Passed the CPCE with 15 points to spare . . . often learning while she walked her dog!
Dr. Rosenthal,
I am so excited to say that I earned a score of 97 on my CPCE exam yesterday! My school, University of South Florida, requires an 82 to pass. I just wanted to say THANK YOU! I studied your purple book and audio program over a period of 5 months, and I felt very prepared for the exam. I listened to your audio program in my car on the way to work or class, at the park, even while walking my dog! Your materials were recommended to me by past classmates, and I will continue to recommend them to future counselors in my program! Thank you again for creating such a comprehensive and user-friendly program for future counselors.
Amanda Harris

March 11, 2021 – Out of Grad School for 9 years . . . new NCE is no problem!
Hi Dr. Rosenthal,
My name is Monica Williams, and I passed the NCE yesterday with the help of your study materials! First time taking the test and I have been out of graduate school for 9 years! I greatly appreciated the level of detail and in-depth discussions on topics and will ABSOLUTELY be recommending this material to friends and colleagues. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your continued dedication to providing relevant content to test takers everywhere! You rock!
Warm Regards,
Monica Williams, MA

November 14 – Steven scores 140 on the NEW NCE and praises Inner Circle 2020 New Domain Super Review
Hi Dr. Rosenthal,
I just wanted to write and let you know that I took the NCE today and scored a 140!! When my eyes nervously scanned the printout page, they kept looking for another number initially, because I was sure that that number had nothing to do with me. But it did! Thank you so much for your wonderful materials in addition to your absolute devotion and attentiveness to all those worried about this test. Your Inner Circle guide to the new exam was such a helpful tool after I completed the Encyclopedia. I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you!
Wish you the best,

October 20th, 2020 – How to pass the NEW NCE with 41 points to spare!
Dear Dr. Rosenthal –
Thank you for helping me pass the NCE last Friday. Scored 136/160 with 41 points to spare. Yeahoo!

October 2020 – Brooklynn forgets about the NCE test date and still passes thanks to the Encyclopedia, CDs, and boot camp!
Good morning Mr. Rosenthal,
I used your encyclopedia and audio cd’s for about five moths very loosely. I totally forgot all about my NCE test date and used the boot camp study materials every day for three days before my exam the day of my exam. I am overjoyed to report that I passed my exam! I also used your cd’s years ago for my CPCE and passed my exam. I really appreciate your expertise and the details that you provide in your book and on the cd’s. Thank you!!!
Brooklynn Gresham-Jones

June 2020 new NCE: Marlene’s shares her secret equation for scoring 135
What do you think of this math: Purple Book + CDs + Me = 135 out of 160 NCE score!!!
THANK YOU! Your study materials helped me get that score. AND guess what? Your materials were also FUN! As a former NY high school teacher, I think there should always be some fun while learning.
For anyone preparing to take the NCE, it is not simple. I was surprised and slightly angry at times when I realized I was still learning and not just reviewing info (after I already did three years in a CACREP grad program)! BUT somehow, Dr. Rosenthal’s materials solidified my education. He gives info in bite size chucks, gives time for you to chew it, and then throws it back to make sure you got it. By the time you sit for the test, you have enough knowledge to apply it to questions you have never seen before.
WARNING: there is a 98.9% chance during the exam you will hear one of Dr. Rosenthal’s goofy memory hints in your head. Be grateful: it can help you pass!
Dr. Rosenthal, you gave me what I needed academically so I could pass, but you also made the journey an experience I will never forget!
Marlene Travis

First testimonial for new 2020 NCE . . . Melissa blows the doors off the exam with 40 points to spare:
Dr Rosenthal,
Thank you so much for the materials you have created but more importantly for the personal support you offer to each and every nervous new counselor to be facing an exam. Lots of companies say they are available, but I have yet to find one in any sector with a 15- minute email response time! On the eve of my test I reached out to you several times and each time you were quick to respond with helpful support. I felt like you were the ultimate study partner! Keep up the good work and know that I will suggest your program to anyone hoping to pass their exam! I passed the NCE with more than 40 points over the required mark! I owe that in large part to you!
Please feel free to post that testimonial anywhere you feel it helpful. I mean every word! I am so appreciative and feel like I have a true mentor, friend, and colleague in my corner!
Have a wonderful week!

First March 2020 CPCE testimonial . . . how my materials gave Corey a huge 24- point exam boost over his old study guide program!
Good Evening Dr. Howard Rosenthal,
My name is Corey Davis, and I’m a graduate student at Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory, NC. I’m soon to graduate with a Master’s- Degree in School Counseling, with me actually already practicing in the field as lateral entry. I hope you will take a few moments to read my testimonial in regard to your program of preparing for the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam. I took the CPCE back in October 2019 using another source, and I only scored a 62 out of the 136 scored items. I knew it would not be enough to pass but was still devastated when my university told me I would have to take the CPCE again. I knew I could not use the same source of material, so I asked my advisor of any ideas or other sources to help me study. She answered by recommending me to your program. I ordered both your audio program, along with the Encyclopedia of Counseling book in December of 2019, and for the past three months, worked through all your CDs and book to help me prepare.
Today (Friday March 6th, 2020) I was scheduled to take the CPCE exam again. I listened to your boot camp and quick review the night before, and the morning of the exam, and because of it, I felt more prepared for the exam then I did last time. It took me about three and a half hours to complete the exam, but I am happy to report that I PASSED THE EXAM! I scored an 86, making it 24 points higher than the first exam in October. While the exam was still very difficult (especially since I have never been good at tests), I can easily say that your program really helped me get through this exam. Please accept my gratitude and thanks for a well-put together program that took many difficult topics and making it more “user-friendly” of understanding terms and material. Again, thank you and I hope that more graduate students take advantage of this opportunity you have put together.
Have a great evening!
Corey E. Davis Graduate Student – School
Counseling, Lenoir-Rhyne University